Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Richards Travel Rules # 001

Stay flexible... it will keep your mom happy.

Well, it turns out that my leaving tomorrow @ 12 noon was not the best time to happen. My mother called today and was very dissapointed that I was not able to make it for dinner tomorrow night. So, being the good lad that I am, I am staying one extra day to ensure that I have a full belly of my mothers home cooking, and a nice family gathering.

Actually... I cant turn down a free meal *shrug* who woulda thought. =)

Packing the Mule

Well, I have had to be realistic about what I bring, and what stays home. I have layed out everthing on the basement floor, and taken a good hard analysis of what is needed and what isnt.
All of the stuff you see here, is not even considering my clothes a few days of food and tools that i might need.
I figure I should be able to fit all of this into the cargo container, two saddle bags, tank bag, and dry sack. However, dismounting looks like it may be a bigger issue than planned. I tried it out the other day with a simulated full load, and my only concern is swinging the leg over during a dismount, other than that, everything should stow away fine. I am sure that there will be a stationary drop in the bikes future.
BTW, thanks to Dad @ Richard's Small Engines Fabrication Shop for custom mounting plate for the improvised action carrier rubbermaid cargo container. I was going to mount hard side cases, but I think the saddle bags should be fine. Maybe later when I have money I will install panniers from happy trails. These guys make some really light indestructable stuff. But for now, the nylon saddle bags are enough for me.
Also, I have waterproofed the tent with some tent waterproofing spray. Seems to work good. Water beads right off of it. Fairly happy that it will keep water from sticking to the surface.
Anyhow, off to pack the gear into as tiny a space as possible.