The sting of the cold BC air is evident as you get up at 7:30 and drive to work. Both my brother and myself are faced with the same issue most mornings as we drive our bikes to or from work. At this time there is a light frost on the car windows in the mornings, and I am reminded that the only reason I am spared the scraping of the windows, is because I am riding the motorcycle. The comfort in that fact is short lived with the realization that I have yet to buy gloves.
On a more positive note, I am reviewing my trip plans, and still intend to take a trip regardless if I have to hitch or not. So stay tuned.
Oh, and since do not have a related image to upload, I will upload a funny comic from my favorite strip 'get Fuzzy'. To those who know about my crazy custom voodoo doll idea, i think you will get a kick out of this.

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